Understanding Simvastatin. Skin care as antiaging way. Woman and time of menopause. Weighing too much is not good for your health. Get your implants in czech dental clinic.

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Understanding Simvastatin.

Simvastatin: uses Simvastatin is an enzyme blocker ( HMG-CoA reductase inhibitor ) , also known as a " statin " . It is used along with a proper diet to help lower cholesterol and fats ( triglycerides ) in blood. In general, this drug is prescribed after non-drug treatment options haven't been fully successful at lowering cholesterol ( e. g. , diet change, increase in exercise, weight loss if overweight ) . Reducing cholesterol and triglycerides help prevent strokes and heart attacks.

Simvastatin is used in adults and children ( 10 years of age and older ) . Young girls must have had their menstrual pe ...

Discovery health

Skin care as antiaging way

Skin care as antiaging way

The main cell types of skin are fibroblasts, adipocytes (fat storage) and macrophages. Sebaceous glands are exocrine glands which produce sebum, a mixture of lipids and waxy substances: lubrication, water-proofing, softening and antibactericidal actions are among the many functions of sebum. Sweat glands open up via a duct onto the skin by a pore.

The skin supports its own ecosystems of microorganisms, including yeasts and bacteria, which cannot be removed by any amount of cleaning. In general these organisms keep one another in check and are part of a healthy skin. When the balance is disturbed, e.g., by antibiotics which kill bacteria, there may be an overgrowth and infection by yeasts. The skin is continuous with the inner epithelial lining of the body at the orifices, each of which supports its own complement of flora.

Unless your skin is very oily, you will want to use a moisturizer everyday to keep your skin hydrated and healthy. Your skin needs moisturizer all year long as both the indoor winter heat, and summer sun can be equally damaging to your skin.


Woman and time of menopause

Woman and time of menopause

A woman is said to be in menopause after she has gone for one full year without periods. While most women in the United States go through menopause around the age of 51, a small number will experience menopause as early as age 40 or as late as their late 50s. Rarely, menopause occurs after age 60. When menopause is diagnosed before age 40, it is considered to be abnormal or premature menopause.

Some women don't have any symptoms during menopause or only have a few symptoms. Others develop disturbing and even severe, disabling symptoms. Studies of women around the world suggest that differences in lifestyle, diet and activity may play a role in the severity and type of symptoms women have during menopause. Symptoms can be noticed for several months to years before the last menstrual period and can continue for several years after.

A woman can have irregular periods for several months to years before her periods finally stop. Any vaginal bleeding that develops after a year of no periods is abnormal and should be evaluated by a doctor.

Some women report irritability or other mood changes. Irritability is commonly caused by poor sleep resulting from nighttime hot flashes. A number of women, however, do not feel irritable.

The use of soy products in the diet such as tofu may have benefit for some women. Soy has small amounts of phytoestrogens (plant estrogens) that may help relieve hot flashes. Researchers speculate that the soy-based diet of Japanese women plays a role in preventing hot flashes. However, it's not clear whether Japanese women have fewer hot flashes or whether they report this problem less often.


Weighing too much is not good for your health

Weighing too much is not good for your health

Fat distribution can influence a person's risk of disease. Fat carried around the waist and in the abdominal area, characterized by the "apple shape", is associated with an increased risk for many medical problems such as heart disease, cancer, high blood pressure, and diabetes. Fat that is mostly distributed around the buttocks and thighs is associated with a lower risk of developing these diseases.

To achieve lasting weight loss, commitment must be given to making real changes in eating patterns. Individuals are who not committed will gain back their weight.

Binge eating can be triggered by many things such as stress, depression, loneliness or anger. Food is used as a way of dealing with issues other than hunger.

Binge eating is like bulimia, but does not include purging behaviors. A diagnosis of binge-eating disorder is made when a person binges an average of two days per week over a six month period.

The following guidelines have been developed that may help control binge eating: - Eat only at established meal times. - Avoid keeping foods around that may trigger bingeing. - Avoid fad or very restrictive diets. - Keep a food diary and log to assess what prompted the binge.




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