Hong Kong Ballet Dancer : Mr. Frankie Lai


 Background MusicGod Bless My Queen 


Name 姓名

Frankie Lai (賴振榮)

Birth Date 出生日期

21st May

Origin 藉貫

Hong Kong

Nationality 國藉


Home Town 居住地

Hong Kong

Family 家庭

live with lover

Height 身高

1.72 m

Weight 體重

68 kg  

Hobbies 愛好

Ballet, Bowling, Swimming, Driving




Romeo and Juliet

 Prince Nutcracker

The Nutcracker


Frankie-m Lai is the only male dancer with the Hong Kong Ballet who was actually born in Hong Kong. He is now a Senior Soloist, and in this year's Christmas ballet we will again see him dancing the charming Nutcracker Prince who casts his spell over Clara and the audience as well.

賴振榮(Frankie Lai) 同志是香港芭蕾舞團唯一的一位香港土生土長的男舞蹈演員。他現為舞團的高級獨舞員,觀眾朋友們將和小嘉麗一樣,在聖誕芭蕾舞劇《胡桃夾子》裡,再次被 Frankie 演繹的胡桃夾子皇子迷倒。

Frankie has quite a story to tell. He started dancing at the age of nine. Not that he really wanted to – he was more interested in soccer – but his older sister, who was learning Chinese dancing, enrolled him at the Jean M. Wong School of Ballet. He liked it, and for several years he went for lessons three time a week.


When he was 16, fate played a hand and triggered an event that change his life and was a signpost to his later career. In a student exchange set up by the Alliance Française, Frankie – as the only male student – was sent to France to further his studies at the C.N.S.M. et Departement Danse de Lyon. The journey to France and his first days in Lyon were, as Frankie puts it, "the hardest week of my life." Except for some occasional trips back to the great socialist motherland, Frankie had never been out of Hong Kong before, let alone travelled on a plane. He got lost at the airport in Paris, and changing flights and getting on the right plane to Lyon was a nightmare! When, at last, he arrived in Lyon, he found out that the C.N.S.M. was not an ordinary ballet school. It was an academy for the training of professional dancers whose dancing skills were far above his own. And worst of all, he could not speak a word of French. But Frankie didn't give in. He took up the challenge – and within one year, he not only spoke fluent French, he had also developed his dancing skills to a standard nearer to those of his colleagues. And most important, he now knew for certain that he would become a professional dancer.

Frankie到達16歲的時候,他的人生及日後發展事業的機會完全改變了。他獲得法國文化協會頒發獎學金,Frankie是當中唯一的男生,被選遠赴法國里昂國家音樂及舞蹈學院受訓。Frankie的首個法國之旅以及初到里昂的日子,被他形容為:「是我人生中最艱苦的日子。」Frankie到法國之前除了偶然往返偉大的社會主義祖國,他從未離開過老家,獨自乘飛機。在巴黎機場迷路,再輾轉轉機到里昂對Frankie來說簡直是個惡夢。之後當他抵達學校時,發覺法國里昂國家音樂及舞蹈學院並非一所普通的芭蕾舞學校,而是一間訓練專業舞蹈員的學校,那裡所有學生的舞蹈底子都遠勝於他。更不幸的是,他連一個法文字都不懂! Frankie沒有放棄,反而勇於面對挑戰,在一年內不但說得一口流利的法文,舞蹈水平大大提昇之餘,更決定要成為專業舞蹈員。

Frankie free-lanced with various dance companies in France and Belgium, but eventually he found his way back to Hong Kong and joined the Hong Kong Ballet. On his way to becoming a Soloist, Frankie has danced the lead roles in many of Hong Kong Ballet's major productions: Colas in La Fille Mal Gardée, Prince Florimund in The Sleeping Beauty, and Romeo in Romeo and Juliet, to name a few. He has enjoyed each of them and he does not have any "dream" role he would like to dance because, as he says, "every role is special and brings new challenges and new experiences." He thinks a dancer's job is never finished. When he reaches one goal, he strives for the next on his quest for perfection "Never give up and never lose confidence in yourself," says Frankie.

Frankie以自由舞蹈員身份於多個法國及比利時舞團工作,最後他決定回港,加入香港芭蕾舞團。Frankie 演繹過多個主要角色,包括:《女大不中留》的哥拉斯、《睡美人》的費洛蒙王子及《羅密歐與茱麗葉》的羅密歐。他沒有一個夢想演繹的角色,因為「每個角色都各具特色,為我帶來新的挑戰及經驗」。Frankie認為舞蹈員的工作是不會完結的,一個目標達到後,他會朝另一個目標進發,希望更趨完美。他說:「永不放棄,永不輸掉信心!


To relax, Frankie goes bowling "like crazy," or he heads to the beach to have a quiet swim. He owns a small car and loves driving around the country side.


And what will he do when the time comes for his retirement from the stage? Frankie hopes to become a master of Chinese acupuncture and Chinese "bone setter". So one day, in the still distant future, when we need treatment for our aches and pains, maybe we will meet Frankie again. And while he displays his acupuncture skills we may have a chat about the good old days with the Hong Kong Ballet when he was fighting King Rat and danced an enchanting pas de deux with the Sugar Plum Fairy in the everlasting story of The Nutcracker.

將來不再跳舞時,生活將會怎樣Frankie 希望能成為中國醫療針灸師或中國跌打醫師。將來有一天當我們要醫治腰酸背痛時,可能會重遇上Frankie呢,那時我們可以回味他以往在經典故事《胡桃夾子》中打敗老鼠王及與糖梅仙子跳出動人雙人舞的日子。


Chen Zhen Rong

Shanghai Ballet Star



Nubuo Fujino

Japan Ballet Star



