HoD Spoilers

"Dracula Wraith" is NOT "Dracula"!

Death: Mortal...you know of a man by the name of Maxim, do you not?

Juste: Yes I do! What about him?!

Death: I believe that man has discovered objects that hold my lord's powers.

Juste: ?! You mean Dracula's remains...

Death: My lord's fragmented remains?! Now it makes perfect sense...

Juste: What on earth are you talking about?!

Death: You have provided me with an answer. So I shall reward you with an explanation. It's simple. This castle is a creation of Maxim's will.

Juste: What?! But he's not capable of such a feat!

Death: True of the original Maxim, but possession of my lord's remains changes everything. The castles' two spirits now embody my lord's powers.

Juste: The castles' 'two' spirits?!

Death: Two spirits now exist within his body. His original spirit and a wicked spirit born from my lord's remains.

Maxim (wicked spirit): Oh, nothing...forget it. I know not the scope of your power, Belmont. But I will not let you have her.

Dracula Wraith: So- So this is the power of Belmont...

He is not Dracula.
He is not Maxim.
He doesn't know the power of Belmont.
Simon Wraith is not Simon.
Dracula Wraith is not Dracula.

