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Modern weight loss recommendations







Weight loss. Modern weight loss recommendations.

Scale weight is a total measure of bone, muscle, fluid, organs, and fat. Weight measurements reflected by the bathroom scale or compared to standard height and weight tables does not allow for weight changes which occur due to aging, exercise, or frame size. Therefore, more emphasis should be placed on body composition and healthy lifestyles with less on body weight alone.

As much as 50 to 75 percent of obesity has genetic influences. Just what those genetic influences are that affect body weight have not been identified.

Obese people should be evaluated for medical consequences of their obesity. Motivated persons are encourage to enter medically supervised treatment programs that use a multidisciplinary approach to weight loss.

Many people are tempted by ads that use celebrities to tout liquid fasting diets for weight loss. Ads claim quick and easy weight loss with use of such products. Very obese patients may be referred to these types of diets. Their diets are carefully supervised by their healthcare provider.

Medically supervised fasts are very low calorie diets which provide from 400 to 800 calories per day. While most of these diets are low in calories, the protein provision is very high. The purpose of these diets is to promote fat loss, not muscle loss. The high protein content helps prevent large losses of muscle tissue. Electrolytes, vitamins and minerals are also supplemented.

Binge eating is like bulimia, but does not include purging behaviors. A diagnosis of binge-eating disorder is made when a person binges an average of two days per week over a six month period.

Many people are motivated to diet by wanting to be thin and attractive like the models we see everywhere - on TV and in magazines. What is far more important is that a leaner body reduces the risk for certain diseases.

Body composition describes the percentages of fat, muscle and bone in your body. Many experts think men's bodies should be between 12 to 18 percent fat, while women's should be 18 to 22 percent fat.

The risk of developing weight associated medical problems increases if the majority of body fat is located in the abdominal area. This risk decreases if body fat is primarily located in the hips, buttock and thigh region.

Height and weight tables are generally used to determine how person's weight compares to a standard. However, weight in these tables is an overall measure of all components of the body. Individuals may differ in muscle, frame size and percentage of body fat. The waist to hip ratio of body composition assessment provides information on where the majority of body fat is located.

Appetite suppressant medications help weight loss by diminishing appetite or increasing the feeling of being full. These medications diminish appetite by rising serotonin or catecholamine two brain chemicals that affect appetite. Appetite suppressant medications are used with a course of behavioral treatment and dietary counseling, designed to help you make long-term changes in your diet and physical activity.

The most recent drug in the fight against obesity is Xenical. A new class of non-systemic anti-obesity drug called lipase inhibitors which act in the gastrointestinal tract to prevent the absorption of fat by about 30 percent. Drugs in this class do not achieve their effect through brain chemistry or central nervous system stimulation. In other words, Xenical is not an appetite suppressant or metabolic inducer.

While the FDA regulates how a medication can be advertised or promoted by the manufacturer, these regulations do not restrict a doctor's ability to prescribe the medication for different conditions, in different doses, or for different lengths of time.

Several appetite suppressant medications are available to treat obesity. In general, these medications are effective, leading to an average weight loss of five to twenty-two lbs. above that expected with non-drug obesity treatments.

People respond differently to appetite suppressant medications, and some people experience more weight loss than others. Some obese patients using medication lose more than 10 percent of their starting body weight- an amount of weight loss that may reduce risk factors for obesity - related diseases, such as high blood pressure or diabetes.

Over the short term, weight loss in obese individuals may reduce a number of health risks. Studies looking at the effects of appetite suppressant medication treatment on obesity-related health risks have found that some agents lower blood pressure, blood cholesterol, triglycerides (fats) and decrease insulin resistance (the body's inability to use blood sugar) over the short term. Long-term studies are currently being done to determine if weight loss from appetite suppressant medications can improve health.

Most studies of appetite suppressant medications show that a patient's weight tends to level off after four to six months while still on medication treatment. While some patients and physicians may be concerned that this shows tolerance to the medications, the leveling off may mean that the medication has reached its limit of effectiveness. Based on the currently available studies, it is not clear if weight gain with continuing treatment is due to drug tolerance.

However obesity, is more appropriately considered a chronic disease than a lifestyle choice. Other chronic diseases, such as diabetes, and high blood pressure, are managed by long-term drug treatment, even though these diseases also improve with changes in lifestyle, such as diet and exercise. Although this issue may concern physicians and patients, social views on obesity should not prevent patients from seeking medical treatment to prevent health risks that can cause serious illness and death.

Modern weight loss recommendations. Weight loss.

Terms interpretation


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Information in this document about Weight loss named Modern weight loss recommendations is for End User's use only and may not be sold, redistributed or otherwise used for commercial purposes. The information is an educational aid only. It is not intended as medical advice for individual conditions or treatments of Weight loss. Additionally, the manufacture and distribution of herbal substances are not regulated now in the United States, and no quality standards currently exist like brand name medicine and generic medicine. Talk about Weight loss to your doctor, nurse or pharmacist before following any medical regimen to see if it is safe and effective for you.

© Copyright 2007 Healthcare Ring of Argentina, Weight loss department.